Delivery of Precious Metals

Last Updated:

Verified clients can take physical possession of their precious metals through their Holding
dependent on certain criteria, including the registration of the physical bars.

Depending on the options offered by the vault provider, clients can request to attend the vault
for in-person collection or arrange for insured delivery of registered 100 gram bars, registered 1
kilogram bars, or registered Gold Good Delivery Bars.

Please do note: there are insurance-mandated restrictions on which regions and locations can
be delivered to.

All delivery requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis and for in-person collection, must be
received a minimum of 3 business days prior to vault attendance.

To request delivery please contact your dedicated Relationship Manager through the Holding
messaging system.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the cost for delivery?

Fees for delivery and collection are quoted by the vault provider on a case-by-case basis.


What is a registered bar?

A registered bar is a precious metal bar that is wholly owned by a single Goldmoney client.
Registration is required to take physical possession of metal by delivery or collection.

Clients can find further information on the registration process here.

Can I request delivery through my Goldmoney Personal Account?

No; delivery options are only available through the Goldmoney Holding platform.
You can find information on migrating from a Personal Account to a Holding here.


Are there tax implications?

Goldmoney cannot provide tax advice.

However, please do note that for the delivery or collection of silver, platinum and palladium
from vault providers located in Zurich and London, VAT (Value Added Tax) may be applicable.
This would be confirmed by the vault at the time the delivery/collection quote is provided.

For any further questions regarding VAT or other applicable taxes we recommend that you
obtain advice from a qualified professional advisor before arranging for delivery or collection of
your metal.


More questions?
Please contact our Support Team.

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