Registered Bars

Last Updated:

A registered bar is a precious metal bar that is wholly owned by a single Goldmoney client.

Goldmoney clients may register specific bars in their name with the vault custodian for a
corresponding metal fee as outlined in our published Fee Schedule.

All bars registered to a Goldmoney client will use the same bar registration ID, which is chosen
by the client when bars are first registered.

When you record ownership of one or more gold, silver, platinum, and/or palladium bars in the
Goldmoney system, these bars are referred to as registered gold bars, registered silver bars,
registered platinum bars, and registered palladium bars respectively.

Registration is required to take physical possession of your metal via collection or delivery.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between a registered bar and undivided metal?

Bars that you have registered are identified as being owned by you, ensuring that you are the
sole owner.

Otherwise, the metal you own is an undivided ownership interest in the
unregistered bars held in Goldmoney inventory.


How do I register a bar?

Clients can register their bars by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the precious metals on
their Holding’s balances page, or via the Register/Manage Bars option listed in their overview


What size bars are available for registration?

Bar availability will depend on the vault location in which a client’s metals are held.

Bar sizes available for registration include 100g (gold), 1 kilogram (gold and silver), and Good
Delivery Bars (gold, silver, platinum and palladium).*

*Please do note: not all bar sizes are available for collection and delivery. Please see our Delivery of Precious Metals article for further details.


How are the storage fees paid for registered bars?

Storage fees for registered bars are the same as fees for storing undivided metal and will be
deducted from your Holding balance monthly.

Clients are responsible for ensuring they hold a sufficient unregistered metal or fiat currency
balance in the Holding to cover fees.

If you have selected to pay your storage fees in metal and the undivided metal balance in your
Holding balance is insufficient, we will de-register your smallest bar to cover the outstanding


How do I sell a registered bar?

All registered bars must be deregistered before a Sell Metals transaction can be performed.

Clients can deregister their bars by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the registered bars on
their Holding’s balances page, or via the Register/Manage Bars option listed in their overview


More questions?

Please contact our Support Team.

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