How do I view my balance and transaction statements?

Last Updated:

The following statements are available in your Holding:


End of Month Balance Summary: This statement confirms the Month End Balance of metals and currencies using month-end metal prices and exchange rates.


Highest Value in a Year: This statement confirms the amount and day of the year your Holding recorded its highest value.


Monthly Statement: Includes Opening and Closing Balance Summary as well as all transactions within the month.


Transaction Reports: Shows all metal and currency purchases, sales, and exchanges conducted since the Holding was opened, as well as details regarding all transfers and fees paid.


The statements can be generated in a printer-friendly format or as PDF file.


1) Log into your Holding and navigate to the drop-down menu in your Dashboard Overview.




2) Navigate to “Holding overview” and select “Statements”




3) Select the “report type” bar and choose the report you wish to view







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