Closing your account with a small balance

Last Updated:
Is this article for you? This article is for our Goldmoney Personal accounts that use an email address to log in. If you log in using a Holding number in the format ##-##-##-X, please view those articles here.

Due to the fees associated with redeeming gold from your Goldmoney Personal account, some balances are below the minimum required to perform a redemption.

Clients wishing to close their Goldmoney Personal account, who have such a balance remaining, have the following options:

  1. Transfer the balance of your Personal account to a Goldmoney Holding and purchase more metal to reach an amount that would be eligible for withdrawal.
  2. Forfeit the balance of your Goldmoney Personal account and proceed with the closure.
Please note that you have already placed a request to have your account closed that the account will be closed and the funds forfeited within 10 business days. Forfeited funds cannot be returned once this process is complete.

If you have any additional questions please contact our Support team

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