Formal complaints

Last Updated:

Anyone wishing to file a formal complaint with Goldmoney may do so by contacting

Goldmoney will provide written confirmation of receipt of your filing within five (5) business days which will include the expected timeline for resolution, which will be no longer than ninety (90) days from receipt of your filing, pending mitigating circumstances.

In order for your filing to receive appropriate treatment, please ensure the following information is included:

  • Your name or the name of the Goldmoney client you are authorized to represent (including documentation of your authorization to represent the Goldmoney client if you are not the client)
  • The relevant Goldmoney Holding number(s) or Personal Account number(s)
  • The name(s) of any individual(s) who are the subject of or involved in your Complaint
  • The reference number(s) of any transaction(s) involved in the Complaint
  • A detailed description of the nature of your Complaint and desired resolution (Goldmoney can make no guarantee that the desired resolution will be achieved)

Complaints submitted with the above information will be assessed by the Designated Complaints Officer. Relevant internal agents will be interviewed regarding the subject of the Complaint and all relevant communications and transactional records will also be reviewed.

Upon completion of the Assessment, the Complainants are issued a Response Letter outlining the nature of the Complaint, the results of the investigation, the final decision with an explanation, and a statement delineating the options available if the Complainant is unsatisfied with the response.

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