Clients may add up to 5 bank accounts to their holding. Clients must have a bank account 'linked' to their Holding in order to process deposits and withdrawals via bank wire.
From 'Manage Bank Accounts' a client can view their already linked accounts or chose to add new ones. Clients may chose to link the following bank accounts to their Holding:
1. Personal
2. Brokerage
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I delete a Bank Account once it has been added?
In the Manage Bank Accounts main page you will see a 'Delete' red hyperlink next to each account. Click it and a prompt will ask you to confirm if you wish to delete.
2. I have exceeded my five bank account maximum, how do I add more?
There is no way to add more than five bank accounts. You will need to delete another bank account in order to add a new one.